The Benefits of OCR

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Legal Eagles, a locally owned and operated law firm resource to legal professionals in Des Moines, offers multiple services and products to help you with any legal need or resource. OCR (Optical character recognition) is a tool commonly used on legal documents - but what exactly is it, and what does it do?

OCR has started becoming a helpful tool for many seeking out legal resources! Here at Legal Eagles, we provide document scanning and Optical Character recognition as one of our services. We’re here to help you at every step of the discovery journey, simplifying the process along the way.

What is OCR?

Optical character recognition is the process of converting text from documents into electronic files. This process is valuable and useful in lots of different ways.

Time Saver

Not only does this save legal assistants time by allowing us to help them with the process, but it also saves them their time in general.

OCR allows you to be able to search for the exact text you are needing much faster than scanning the physical document on your own. With optical character recognition, we can make searching for the text you need much easier

Did someone say effortless? Let’s make it easier to be searched, edit, and store!

>> Related: Use this link to check out all of our services<<

Searchable and Secure

With OCR, your documents are able to be stored digitally for access at any time. This will ultimately save on time that could be used in other ways to further a project or case. In addition, higher productivity will be the result of this saved time! 

Because Files are being kept online through OCR as digital files, they will obtain higher security than physical files. We want to ensure that your files are being kept safe and secure. Our team works quickly and confidently to help with these services. 

Prints, and So Much More from Legal Eagles

Are you in need of law resources or services?  Contact us via our website, Facebook, or email. When you need professional support, count on us to get it done right. We go above and beyond the standard print shop services to be your firm’s one-stop resource for all the support materials needed for your next case.

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