4 Legal Binders for Every Legal Case | Des Moines Litigation Support | Legal Eagles

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March 23, 2020
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Legal binders are an organizational tool law firms utilize in trial cases, legal discovery, depositions, and medical record gatherings. At Legal Eagles, a Des Moines’ law firm resource, we are experts at creating customized legal binders for every legal case. Our secure, and confidential process allows for law firms to focus on the case at hand, while we handle the messy organizational process from start to finish. For best results in your legal binder choice, choose your binder design according to the intended legal usage..

Trial Binders

Any Legal Case Requires Trial Binder Organization.

A trial binder will plan out your case, and should be a separate binder for each case that you take to trial. In the legal binder, lawyers will be looking to include sections for everything from opening and closing statements, to witness testimony and cross-examination notes. This trial binder is used as a tool to keep your trial on track and your statements accurate. Choose a professional binder presentation provided by Legal Eagles in Central Iowa with index tabs that keep all legal information accessible in the courtroom. We often produce trial binders as a 3 ring binder with pockets to keep all trial information organized.

Exhibit Binders

For Cases with Multiple Exhibits, Organize the Evidence.

With each case you present, exhibit binders are a great way to organize multiple exhibits of evidence. Most lawyers benefit from arranging the exhibit binders in order of presentation, and providing a copy to the opposing attorneys and the courtroom judge. As most of the population are visual learners, this provides a professional outline to encourage understanding and key detail focus. Binder sleeves are a great way to include photographs and infographics of all legal discovery items.

Deposition Binders

Keep Deposition Recordings & Findings Organized.

When multiple depositions are involved in a trial, our clients have found it helpful to organize their depositions in a separate binder. By organizing a tab identified binder with all of the depositions from a single legal case, it allows the trial process to run smoothly and stay on track. Beyond the printed deposition statements, many of our clients take advantage of our video production capabilities for their deposition needs. Add a DVD pocket with the recorded testimony for each witness.

>> Related: Learn more about our picture in picture video depositions <<

Medical Record Binders

Perfect for Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice & Workers Comp.

For cases involving personal injury, medical malpractice or worker compensation, you will need to organize medical binders for each subject. Include a full medical history, and then organize into chronological order.  This allows easy demonstration of important health issues. Use binder pockets or sleeves to store x-rays, photographs of injuries and other medical evidence.


About Legal Eagles Law Firm Support

More Than a Printshop, A Law Firm Resource in Des Moines.

At Legal Eagles, we are a full service resource to law firms across Iowa, and beyond. Whether your legal needs include printing, copying, organizing, video production or e-discovery, Legal Eagles is a one stop shop. With our secure file transfer and commitment to confidentiality, our team will take your legal organization to the next level.  Legal Eagles provides in-house level service, with expert deadline accuracy.


>> Speak to a representative today to discuss your legal resource needs in Iowa. <<

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